Created by the cybercrime group known as Circus Spider in 2019, this ransomware allows hackers to rent access to the malware code in exchange for a percentage of the funds that are received.
DarkSide is a recent group that ultimately targets theft and encryption of sensitive data, including backups through RaaS.
Conti ransomware uses a double-extortion technique to encrypt data on an infected machine. Attackers from this group usually send a phishing email originating from an address that the victim trusts.
Also known as Sodin and Sodinokibi, REvil is a ransomware group that has gained a reputation for extorting larger ransom payments than their competitors, as well as promoting underground cybercrime forums.
Since these newer strains of ransomware behave differently today, there is now a need for alternate methods of detection. Recently defenses have begun to harden, including improved heuristics or behavioral analysis, and the use of canary or bait files for earlier detection.
Additionally, increased effort needs to be put into predicting and anticipating risks rather than the old “detect and respond” approach.